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The top 10 symptoms of SIBO: what may be causing your IBS

If you have been struggling to find the cause of your IBS, READ THIS!

SIBO or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth may cause 70% of IBS diagnoses.

SIBO occurs when there is overgrowth of bacteria in your small intestine.

Your small intestine is an incredibly long. When your gut motility (the ability for your body to sweep food from your stomach through your intestine to your bowels) stops working as well as it should, bad bacteria can overtake the small intestine, causing issues with digestion and absorption of food and nutrients.

If you’re feeling any of the symptoms below, SIBO could be the culprit.

What are the Top 10 Symptoms of SIBO?

  1. Abdominal pain
  2. Gas
  3. Diarrhea
  4. Bloating
  5. Nausea
  6. Unintentional weight loss
  7. Loss of appetite
  8. Constipation
  9. Fatigue
  10. An uncomfortable feeling of fullness after eating

SIBO can lead to a inability for your body to absorb key nutrients and vitamins that it needs – leaving you feeling exhausted and stressed in addition to the symptoms above.

If you think you may have SIBO, fear not – we’ve developed a nine step proven method to treat SIBO and leave you feeling better.

It’s called the SIBO Recovery Roadmap® Course, and we cover everything from getting tested for SIBO (a breath test in which you drink a sugar solution and blow into test tubes to see if the hydrogen and methane levels are high) to treatment to working with practitioners to your diet.

It was created by me, Shivan Sarna, a SIBO patient advocate and author, and my incredible doctor and SIBO specialist Allison Siebecker, who has helped thousands of SIBO patients successfully treat their SIBO. You’ll get 40+ video lessons to complete on your own time, live Q&As with Dr. Siebecker, bonus masterclasses with other gut health experts, searchable transcripts, and more.

Interested? Click here to learn all about the course.

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