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Best Digestive Enzymes for SIBO: The Complete Guide

Herbal antibiotics vs. Rx, prokinetics, probiotics, and lists upon lists of low-FODMAP foods
Learn the best digestive enzymes for SIBO

Importance of Digestive Enzymes and Low-FODMAP Diet for SIBO Relief

If you’re dealing with Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), you may not have heard that finding the best digestive enzymes for SIBO can complement a low-FODMAP diet. This approach, which restricts Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides and Polyols, can provide significant relief from symptoms like gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. However, there’s a potential downside to this restrictive diet that’s important to understand. What many don’t realize is that digestive enzymes can be a powerful complementary tool for managing SIBO symptoms and supporting long-term gut health, especially when navigating the challenges of a low-FODMAP diet. Let’s explore why. Understanding the Low-FODMAP Diet Developed by researchers at Monash University, the low-FODMAP diet works by eliminating foods high in certain carbohydrates that can be difficult to digest, such as:
  • Lactose (in dairy)
  • Fructose (in many fruits)
  • Fructans (in wheat, onions, garlic)
  • Sugar alcohols (in some fruits and artificial sweeteners)
For many with SIBO and IBS, cutting out high-FODMAP foods provides fast relief. However, this diet is meant to be a short-term intervention, not a long-term solution. The Problem with Staying Low-FODMAP While reducing FODMAPs can alleviate symptoms, it’s not healthy to severely restrict these foods indefinitely. Many high-FODMAP foods are rich in nutrients and fiber that feed beneficial gut bacteria. Avoiding them long-term can lead to microbiome imbalances and nutritional deficiencies. As SIBO expert Dr. Mark Pimentel cautions, “You can’t stay on low-FODMAP forever, period.”

Benefits of Digestive Enzymes for SIBO

This is where finding the best digestive enzymes come in. Supplementing with the right enzymes can help break down troublesome FODMAPs, allowing for a more diverse and nutritious diet. How Digestive Enzymes Support SIBO Management Digestive enzymes are essential for properly breaking down food so nutrients can be absorbed. SIBO can impair enzyme production, perpetuating malabsorption and symptoms. The 3 main types of enzymes are:
  1. Proteases (for proteins)
  2. Lipases (for fats)
  3. Amylases (for carbohydrates)
There are also brush border enzymes like lactase that target specific FODMAPs. Benefits you can expect from digestive enzymes for SIBO:
  1. Reduced bloating, gas and dyspepsia
  2. Expanded dietary options
  3. Improved nutrient absorption
  4. Potential anti-inflammatory and anti-biofilm effects

Choosing the Right Digestive Enzymes for SIBO

The key is choosing a high-quality, broad-spectrum enzyme supplement and dosing it correctly under professional guidance to avoid potential side effects. Introducing FODMATE For those struggling to reintroduce higher FODMAP foods, a new enzyme called FODMATE shows promise. Developed by Microbiome Labs, it specifically targets difficult-to-digest carbohydrates like fructose and GOS. When used in conjunction with a low-FODMAP diet and the guidance of a knowledgeable practitioner, FODMATE may help expand diet diversity without triggering symptoms – a key component of long-term SIBO management. The bottom line is that the low-FODMAP diet can be transformative for SIBO symptom relief, but it’s crucial to have an exit strategy to avoid unintended consequences. Digestive enzymes for SIBO are a powerful tool to support this process. This is why we recommend complementing your diet with digestive enzymes to improve your long-term outcomes. If you suspect SIBO, work with a qualified practitioner to develop a holistic treatment plan that includes smart dietary modifications, gut-supportive supplements like enzymes, and a path towards eating a wider variety of nutritious foods again. With the right strategies and a little patience, lasting relief is possible.
Using digestive enzymes has made a huge difference for me. If you’re suffering with SIBO or IBS, I hope this information about digestive enzymes for SIBO will help you, too. Explore my SIBO masterclasses and empower yourself even more! Hope & hugs, Shivan PS – Got questions about HoloZyme? Leave a comment with your question and I’ll do my best to answer it. 

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4 thoughts on “Best Digestive Enzymes for SIBO: The Complete Guide”

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