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New Immune Health & The Gut Class with Kiran Krishnan

immunity to vaccines to how, when, and why to dose probiotics for optimum efficacy

He did it AGAIN!

Every time I sit down with microbiologist Kiran Krishnan I’m blown away by everything he has to share… and yesterday was no exception!

We powered through some super interesting topics – everything from immunity to vaccines to how, when, and why to dose probiotics for optimum efficacy!

And depending who you ask… the BEST PART might just be the massive coupon code Kiran Graciously offered our community:

>>> Use code gutrestore for 10% off Total Gut Restore Kits

>>> Use code sibosos15 for 15% off all other products (excluding those in the Total Gut Restore Kits)

(Are you new to Microbiome Labs? You’ll first need to register as patient with code SIBOSOS as your patient direct code.)

A HUGE thank you to Kiran for this generous discount. You won’t find it anywhere else… and we’re not sure how long we can keep it going, so don’t hesitate if you’re considering an order. 


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