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SIBO and its symptoms

Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth, or SIBO, has recently drawn more and more attention within the world of digestive health. It’s estimated that 70% of those with IBS actually have SIBO, and, as testing becomes easier and more readily available, more SIBO patients have been diagnosed and are looking for reliable information, support, and treatment. 

Luckily, if you’re here, you’ve come to the right place! SIBO SOS® specializes in SIBO treatment and gut health conditions. Keep reading for an all-encompassing picture of the symptoms SIBO can cause that may be effecting you.

How SIBO Works

SIBO occurs when an excess of bacteria typically located in the colon infiltrates the small intestine. This intrusion wreaks havoc on the digestive system, leading to many uncomfortable symptoms.

SIBO Symptoms

If you suspect you may have SIBO, your symptoms are the best indicators of whether you should look into SIBO breath testing. 

Bloating is the main complaint from SIBO patients, often accompanied by increased gas and abdominal discomfort. These symptoms often intensify post-meals.

Nausea is often common as well, along with irregular bowel movements that may stay consistent or alternate between constipation and diarrhea.

Whole-Body SIBO Symptoms

SIBO doesn’t limit its effects to the gut alone. The bacterial imbalance in your gut can trigger a series of systemic symptoms, including fatigue or exhaustion, brain fog, feeling sluggish, and joint pain. This can be for a variety of reasons, from malnutrition or vitamin deficiency caused by the bacteria or SIBO-induced conditions like Leaky Gut or Candida overgrowth. 

SIBO Causing Malabsorption and Deficiencies

SIBO is deeply connected to nutrition. The bacteria thriving in the small intestine steal nutrients from the food you eat, which can cause malabsorption, deficiencies, and malnutrition. Vitamin B12 levels, in particular, are often low in SIBO patients. 

What to Do if You Suspect You Have SIBO

SIBO is a manageable and treatable condition. With the right resources and support, you can beat SIBO. I know because I’ve done it myself!

My name is Shivan Sarna, and I created SIBO SOS® to help patients like you avoid the time, energy, and money I lost while trying to overcome SIBO. We work with practitioners and experts to bring you the best SIBO and gut health information in summits, masterclasses, ebooks, podcasts, articles, and more. 

If you suspect you have SIBO but you haven’t gotten a breath test yet, click here to download our free SIBO breath test guide with everything you need to know to get started (including my experience and helpful tips)! Our Ultimate Guide to Testing for SIBO will help you navigate the maze of SIBO/IMO testing and create an action plan to resolve your symptoms. 

If have a SIBO diagnosis, click here to learn more about our “roadmap”- a course following the nine-step proven method my practitioner, specialist Dr. Allison Siebecker, has used to treat thousands of SIBO patients. We’ve designed the SIBO Recovery Roadmap® course to be the easiest, most comprehensive, and supportive resource for treating SIBO- and we have thousands of happy patients that have successfully completed the program.
Learn more here.

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