Dr. Jason Hawrelak
“After speaking with Dr. Hawrelak, I realize now why his patient waiting list is 2-years long! You don’t want to miss his class.”
– Shivan Sarna
Probiotics Demystified.
Probiotics can be an expensive pitfall in the treatment of SIBO or a powerful tool for healing.
The key to finding the right probiotic for you is understanding how probiotics work and the world in which they exist: your microbiome.
Enter Dr. Jason Hawrelak: a probiotic researcher, educator, and clinician. Dr. Hawrelak has spent the last 18 years studying probiotics and the gut microbiota. His passion is teaching people about the power of probiotics – and how we can use them to transform our health.
In the newest SIBO SOS™ Speaker Series Masterclass and Q&A, Dr. Jason Hawrelak will reveal the truth about probiotics and SIBO and empower you with the knowledge to find the right probiotic for your specific needs.
1-Hour Exclusive Medical Conference Level Class
Become an expert on probiotics and SIBO from your own home, at your own pace.
Listen to the Questions
Asked & Answered!
Questions answered by Dr. Hawrelak during the 2-hour Q&A session recording.
Unlimited Access to Recordings & Transcripts
Downloadable audio and professional transcripts of the class and Q&A.
Here are a few slides from the masterclass:

Learn the truth about SIBO and probiotics. There is so much conflicting information on SIBO and probiotics. Learn why clinicians like Dr. Hawrelak think probiotics are a must for SIBO patients (and the big misconception those who say you should avoid them believe).

What the latest research says. New probiotic studies come out every day, but Dr. Hawrelak does the work for you – analyzing and explaining the latest research on probiotics in ways you can understand.

How probiotics can help SIBO. You’ll understand the exact mechanisms by which probiotics can treat both the root cause and the symptoms of SIBO.

How SIBO can hurt your microbiome (and what you can do about it). SIBO treatment can cause damage to your microbiome – and ignoring that damage can mean you never fully recover from SIBO. Learn what signs to look for and how to heal the damage.

Probiotic red flags. Not all probiotics are created equally – and some of them are straight up scams. Learn what red flags Dr. Hawrelak looks for on probiotic bottles and in marketing claims.

No product pitch. This Masterclass is not an advertisement for any one specific probiotic. Instead it’s a crash course in understanding probiotics so you can feel empowered to choose the right probiotic for your specific needs.

Pick the right probiotic today. By the end of the Masterclass, you’ll understand strains, dosing, and how to read probiotic labels.
Included in this Masterclass:
- Instant access to Dr. Hawrelak’s Masterclass recording (including Slides)
- Unlimited Online access to the video recording, including the Q&A
- Downloadable Audio (mp3) of the entire Masterclass and Q&A
- Professional transcripts to save, read, and share with your doctor.
- Access to our SIBO SOS™ Community Facebook group. Join SIBO patients and professionals!
What people are saying about this Masterclass…

Meet Your Teacher: Dr. Jason Hawrelak
Dr. Hawrelak is Head of Research at ProbioticAdvisor.com. His passion for gastrointestinal health, the GIT microbiota, and probiotics was ignited during the final year of his undergraduate training. Subsequently, Dr Hawrelak did his Honours (First Class) and PhD degrees in the areas of the gastrointestinal microbiota, irritable bowel syndrome, and the clinical applications of pre- and probiotics. He has written extensively in the medical literature on these topics – including 16 textbook chapters – and his research has been cited over 800 times. Dr. Hawrelak has taught health professionals at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level for the past 18 years.
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We are going to share the EXACT protocols that worked on us and many others. It is not meant to diagnose or treat disease, nor does it replace the 1-on-1 relationship with your primary care physician. Always consult a medical professional before taking supplements and work along with them as you work on your SIBO.