Dr. Allison Siebecker

Using Diet to Treat & Prevent SIBO Relapse

“Dr. Siebecker is very knowledgeable. She seems to be the number 1 expert in this field. She freely gives all the information and experiences that proved to be successful for her.” ~ Mason P.

Using Diet to Treat
& Prevent SIBO Relapse

In this class Dr. Allison Siebecker explains the most popular diets for SIBO: what they are, why they work, and how to follow them. Learn how to pair diet with other treatments for SIBO and if diet is a long-term solution for SIBO or just a band-aid. You’ll stop wondering what to eat and start feeling better.

This class covers:

  • What are the different SIBO diets and how to choose the right one for you
  • What you can do to manage bloating—and not feel deprived
  • Why some people can eat certain foods (while others can’t)
  • What’s the quickest way to relieve SIBO symptoms and still eat food you love
  • The science behind why diet is so effective at helping relieve SIBO symptoms
  • What foods cause carbohydrate malabsorption
  • How to combine diet with an anti-microbial treatment
  • Why portion size matters more than 100% food restriction
  • Weight gain strategies so you can stay healthy while getting healthy
  • Why FODMAPS, SCD, and GAPS diets alone aren’t enough for most people
  • Resources to learn more, including the best books, websites, and cookbooks
  • How to keep your symptoms from coming back … RELAPSE

2-Hour Exclusive Medical Conference Level Class

Become an expert from your own home, at your own pace.

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Asked & Answered!

Questions answered by Dr. Allison Siebecker during the 3-hour Q&A session recording.

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step 1

What the different SIBO diets require and how to choose the right one for you

The science behind why diet is so effective at helping relieve SIBO symptoms (and the truth about using it as a long-term solution_

How to combine diet with an anti-microbial treatment

Why the low-FODMAP, SCD, and GAPS diet don’t work for most people (and what to do to make them work for you)

What people are saying about this Masterclass…

SIBO Diet Masterclass with Dr. Allison Siebecker

Your Teacher: Dr. Allison Siebecker

Dr. Allison Siebecker is a Naturopathic Physician, award-winning author and international conference lecturer. She was the Co-Founder and former Medical Director of the SIBO Center for Digestive Health at the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM). As a researcher, groundbreaking curriculum creator, patient advocate, and educator of both patients and doctors she is considered a thought leader and innovator in the field of Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Dr. Siebecker has been in clinical practice since 2006 and a SIBO specialist since 2010. Her faculty positions include NUNM, where she teaches Advanced Gastroenterology, and the GI Health Foundation, where she serves as the only Naturopathic Physician on the all Gastroenterologist IBS Board. Her passion for SIBO education inspired her to create her free educational website, siboinfo.com in 2011, an online resource for both patients and practitioners. She also Co-Founded the NUNM SIBO Symposium, NUNM GI Conference, and SIBO SOS® Summits.

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