Learn How to Treat & Beat Even the Most Complex Cases of Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth
$149 $99
If you or a loved one struggles with Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth, you know it’s an incredibly complex condition.
It’s not as simple as “take this pill and call me in 2 weeks.”
Instead, you need to consider:
- Food poisoning
- Adhesions
- Mold
- Parasites
- Thyroid issues
- Elimination diets
- Antibiotic treatments
- Herbal treatments
- Low-Fermentation
- Prokinetics
- Prevention
- Risk of Relapse
- Symptom management
- Weight loss & gain
- Nutrient deficiency
- Autoimmunity
- Joint hyper-mobility
- IBD and IBS
- Celiac Disease
- Mental health issues
- Anti-fungals
- Migrating Motor Complex dysfunction
- Hydrogen vs. methane
- Microbiome health
- Biofilms
- Lyme Disease
- Candida
- Gut repair
- Leaky gut
- Food intolerances
- Histamine reactions
- Test interpretation
- “Flat line” results
- And more!
It’s hard to find expert and accurate information on all facets of SIBO in one place.
So we did something that has NEVER been done before…
We gathered 15 SIBO Experts from every discipline around the world to give you the SIBO education of a lifetime!
You’re the ULTIMATE expert on your own health…. Now become a SIBO expert, for yourself, too!
$149 $99
You’ll have the chance to learn at your own pace from the doctors and researchers who are leading the charge in healing SIBO.
Discover everything from the best testing methods, to treatments that are working NOW, to what the future holds for SIBO resolution.
Groundbreaking, actionable info you can use to get healthier and feel better NOW.

The Masterclass Summit is like an exclusive SIBO medical conference…
If someone opened the doors to the patients who need the info the very most!
- 15 Experts (Naturopathic AND Medical Doctors!)
- 20 Masterclass Presentations (Organized with Slides for better learning!)
- Unlimited Access When You Own Them!
Finally Get the Answers You've Been Searching for...
Exactly what’s included:
- 20 Expert Masterclass (video, audio, and transcripts to watch, listen or read on-demand)
- SIBO Underlying Causes with Dr. Allison Siebecker, ND
- Demystifying The SIBO Diet with Dr. Allison Siebecker, ND
- How To Achieve Perfect Digestion with Dr. Mona Morstein, ND
- Everything You Need To Know About SIBO Testing with Gary Stapleton
- SIBO & Parasites (Yes, It Could Happen To You!) with Dr. Anne Hill, ND
- Thinking Outside The Box With SIBO with Dr. Ken Brown, MD
- SIBO, Candida, & Yeast with Dr. Ami Kapadia, MD
- Testing For SIBO with Dr. Ilana Gurevich, ND, LAc
- SIBO Co-Conditions To Know About with Dr. Steven Sandberg-Lewis, ND
- Research Chronicles with Dr. Mark Pimentel, MD
- Tested SIBO Treatments with Dr. Allison Siebecker, ND
- Preventing SIBO Relapse with Prokinetics with Dr. Allison Siebecker, ND
- Demystifying SIBO, Gluten, & Leaky Gut with Dr. Lisa Shaver, ND
- Rebuilding After SIBO with Dr. Ilana Gurevich, ND, LAc
- SIBO & Mold with Dr. Ami Kapadia, MD
- SIBO & Lyme Disease with Dr. Tom Messinger, ND
- Small Intestine Fungal Overgrowth with Dr. Satish Rao, MD, PhD
- The Thyroid & SIBO with Dr. Gary Weiner, ND, LAc
- Histamine Intolerance & SIBO with Dr. Leonard Weinstock, ND
- Ehlers-Danlos & SIBO with Dr. Alena Guggenheim, ND
- Professional transcripts of ALL 20 Masterclasses (read or take notes & highlight)
- Slide decks for your reference from the presentations to increase learning.
- 6 SIBO Expert updates added to your SIBO SOS® On Demand Online Learning Library through 2020! We are committed to your ongoing learning into 2020 so this is our commitment to you as your accountability partner. "Instant Access to Expert Update from Dr. Mark Pimentel recorded January 2020!"
- Plus bonus class with Dr. Michael Ruscio - How To Use The Elemental Diet For SIBO.
What Real Masterclass Participants Are Saying
Dr. Allison Siebecker, ND
SIBO Underlying Causes, Diet, Treatment, & Prokinetics (4 Masterclasses!)
Dr. Siebecker, ND, award- winning author, international conference lecturer, co-Founder and former Medical Director of the SIBO Center for Digestive Health at the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM), researcher, patient advocate and educator, faculty positions include NUNM and the GI Health Foundation, Co-Founder of the NUNM SIBO Symposium, NUNM GI Conference, and SIBO SOS® Summits.

Dr. Allison Siebecker, ND
SIBO Underlying Causes Masterclass
- Dr. Siebecker, ND, award- winning author, international conference lecturer, co-Founder and former Medical Director of the SIBO Center for Digestive Health at the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM), researcher, patient advocate and educator, faculty positions include NUNM and the GI Health Foundation, Co-Founder of the NUNM SIBO Symposium, NUNM GI Conference, and SIBO SOS® Summits.
- Take a deep dive into the underlying causes of SIBO and discover why knowing your underlying cause is the key to healing SIBO once and for all.

Dr. Allison Siebecker, ND
SIBO Diet Masterclass
- Dr. Siebecker, ND, award- winning author, international conference lecturer, co-Founder and former Medical Director of the SIBO Center for Digestive Health at the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM), researcher, patient advocate and educator, faculty positions include NUNM and the GI Health Foundation, Co-Founder of the NUNM SIBO Symposium, NUNM GI Conference, and SIBO SOS® Summits.
- Overwhelmed by all the opinions on what diet works best for SIBO? Sick of restricting? This class is a MUST. Dr. Siebecker is non-dogmatic but realistic about what works for SIBO diet (and how long you’ll need to follow it).

Dr. Allison Siebecker, ND
SIBO Treatment & Prevention Masterclass
- Dr. Siebecker, ND, award- winning author, international conference lecturer, co-Founder and former Medical Director of the SIBO Center for Digestive Health at the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM), researcher, patient advocate and educator, faculty positions include NUNM and the GI Health Foundation, Co-Founder of the NUNM SIBO Symposium, NUNM GI Conference, and SIBO SOS® Summits.
- There’s not a one-size treatment for SIBO - but there is a process you can use to determine what treatment strategy is right for you. Learn how to find your treatment in this class and then, how to keep SIBO from coming back after a successful treatment.

Dr. Allison Siebecker, ND
SIBO Prokinetics Masterclass
- Dr. Siebecker, ND, award- winning author, international conference lecturer, co-Founder and former Medical Director of the SIBO Center for Digestive Health at the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM), researcher, patient advocate and educator, faculty positions include NUNM and the GI Health Foundation, Co-Founder of the NUNM SIBO Symposium, NUNM GI Conference, and SIBO SOS® Summits.
- Pro-kin-WHAT? Most people have never heard of prokinetics - and they definitely don’t know that these are the #1 tool for keeping SIBO in remission. Learn all this and how to use the right prokinetic for you.

Dr. Anne Hill, ND
SIBO & Parasites (Yes, It Could Happen To You!)
- Dr. Anne Hill, ND, herbalist, craniosacral therapist, educator, guest teacher and lecturer
- Think parasites can’t happen to you? Think again. Learn how & why parasites are common, even in the Western world, how they can be holding you back from resolving SIBO, and actionable strategies for testing and clearing them.

Dr. Lisa Shaver, ND
- Dr. Lisa Shaver, ND, Masters of Science in Oriental medicine, licensed acupuncturist, lecturer, humanitarian
- Are you uncertain if you need to be ‘gluten-free’ to heal from SIBO? Learn everything you need to know about gluten, Celiac disease, gluten sensitivity and how they relate to SIBO in this Masterclass.

Dr. Ken Brown, MD
Thinking Outside The Box With SIBO
- Dr. Ken Brown, MD, gastroenterologist, researcher, developed the only all-natural & clinically proven answer for IBS & bloating: Atrantil.
- Are you a self-proclaimed SIBO expert? We promise you’ll be delighted and surprised by Dr. Brown's novel thinking about SIBO. Go beyond testing & treatment to see all angles of this complex disease. (One of our most popular Masterclasses EVER!)

Dr. Ilana Gurevich, ND, LAC
SIBO Testing & Treatment
- Dr. Ilana Gurevich, ND, LAC, co-owner of two integrative medical clinics, owner of a private practice specializing in treating inflammatory bowel disease as well as IBS/SIBO and functional GI disorders, lecturer, teacher
- Part 1 is all about testing & treating SIBO: both “the basics” and strategies for more complex cases. You’ll love Dr Gurevich’s no-nonsense approach.

Dr. Ilana Gurevich, ND, LAC
Rebuilding After SIBO
- Dr. Ilana Gurevich, ND, LAC, co-owner of two integrative medical clinics, owner of a private practice specializing in treating inflammatory bowel disease as well as IBS/SIBO and functional GI disorders, lecturer, teacher
- Part 2, learn how to rebuild your gut health after successfully treating SIBO. Both SIBO and its treatments can negatively impact your gut… in this class you’ll learn how to reverse that.

Dr. Tom Messinger, ND
SIBO & Lyme Disease
- Dr. Tom Messinger, ND, Registered Nurse for 23 years, founder and Clinic Director of Portland Natural Medicine, speaker
- Even if you’ve "never" been bitten by a tick, Lyme Disease could still be holding you back from full health. Learn more about this mysterious and misunderstood disease, it;’s connection with SIBO, and what you need to do for healing.

Dr. Ami Kapadia, MD
SIBO, Candida, & Yeast
- Dr. Ami Kapadia, MD, ABIHM, member of ISEAI (The International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness), she combines western and functional medicine diagnostics with traditional and complementary therapies
- Learn how yeast and candida interplay with SIBO: does candida hold you back from healing? What do you treat first (and how!). It’s all being answered in this class.

Dr. Ami Kapadia, MD
SIBO & Mold
- Dr. Ami Kapadia, MD, ABIHM, member of ISEAI (The International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness), she combines western and functional medicine diagnostics with traditional and complementary therapies
- Could the mold lurking in your basement, bathroom, or workplace be contributing to your SIBO? Discover the SIBO-Mold connection, how to determine if mold is an issue for you and resolution strategies in this class.

Dr. Mona Morstein, ND
How To Achieve Perfect Digestion
- Dr. Mona Morstein, ND author, Executive Director of the Low Carb Diabetes Association.
- The #1 symptoms of SIBO is digestive distress. Cramps, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gas... These symptoms are embarrassing and painful. Learn how you can manage and resolve them in this important Masterclass.

Dr. Mark Pimentel, MD
SIBO Research Breakthroughs
- Dr. Mark Pimentel, MD, executive director of the Medically Associated Science and Technology (MAST) Program at Cedars-Sinai, The Pimentel Lab researches irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), one of the most prevalent gastrointestinal (GI) conditions, principal investigator for numerous basic science, transitional, and clinical studies in such areas as IBS and the relationship between gut flora composition and human disease
- We’ve pulled Dr. Pimentel directly from his lab to answer our questions about the latest breakthroughs in SIBO treatment - and he didn’t disappoint. Cutting edge and exciting info to consider for the future (with special guests Dr. Allison Siebecker & Gary Stapleton)

Dr. Satish Rao, MD, PhD
Small Intestine Fungal Overgrowth
- Dr. Satish Rao, MD, PhD, professor of medicine and chief of the Division of Gastroenterology/Hepatology at the Digestive Health Center at Augusta University, researcher, pioneered new techniques of evaluating esophageal, gastric, colonic, and anorectal function, pioneered technique of biofeedback therapy for dyssynergic defecation, international award winner
- After a comprehensive look at SIBO, learn about the condition that mimics EVERY symptom of SIBO (and can even co-occur) - it’s Small Intestine Fungal Overgrowth. Learn how to spot and treat this tricky condition.

Dr. Steven Sandberg-Lewis, ND
SIBO Co-Conditions To Know About
- Dr. Steven Sandberg-Lewis, ND, DHANP, Registered Nurse for 23 years, spending most of his career working in inner city Emergency Departments/Trauma Centers, adjunct faculty at the National University of Natural Medicine (NCNM), researcher, presenter at educational seminars, author of multiple articles, regular columnist contributor
- SIBO can both cause and occur alongside conditions from obesity to diabetes to depression and more. Learn who co-conditions yo should be aware of if you have SIBO and how they can impact your treatment plan.

Gary Stapleton
Everything You Need To Know About SIBO Testing
- Gary Stapleton, founder of Aerodiagnostics™ Labs, SIBO advocate and educator
- Confused and overwhelmed about testing accurately from SIBO? Learn directly from a pioneer and leader in the field of breath testing. You’ll learn types of tests, how to get them, and interpretation tips.

Dr. Gary Weiner, ND, LAc
The Thyroid & SIBO
- Dr. Gary Weiner, N.D., L.Ac. is a member of the American Association of Naturopathic Medicine, the Oregon Association of Naturopathic Medicine, and a member of the Advisory Committee of the Northwest Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America.
- If you struggle with thyroid issues and SIBO, this class is a must-see for understanding the connection between the two and what you can do to improve both! Hyper or hypo-thyroid - don’t miss it!

Dr. Alena Guggenheim, ND
Ehlers-Danlos & SIBO
- Dr. Alena Guggenheim, ND, assistant professor Oregon Health Sciences University, joint hypermobility disorders specialist
- Learn what Ehlers-Danlos is, symptoms (stretchy skin, hyper-flexibility, double-jointedness to name a few) and why this underdiagnosed condition commonly leads to SIBO - plus what you can do if you have it.

Dr. Leonard Weinstock, ND
Histamine Intolerance & SIBO
- Dr. Leonard Weinstock, ND, Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine, president of Specialists in Gastroenterology and the Advanced Endoscopy Center, teaches at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine and Surgery at Washington University School of Medicine, primary investigator at the Sundance Research Center, active lecturer, author
- Are you itchy, sneezy, or covered in rashes? Struggling with food intolerances or restless leg syndrome? It may be a sign of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (the root cause behind histamine intolerance). Learn more about this condition and it’s connection with SIBO in this Masterclass.
Plus 2 Additional Bonus Classes!

Kiran Krishnan
An Insider's look at the Microbiome and Probiotics
- What you need to know about your microbiome to heal your gut.
- Toothpaste do’s and don’ts.
- LPS and your health. What is it and why you should care?

Dr. Rachel Fresco
Are Biofilms the Culprit for Your Chronic SIBO? How Botanicals May Be A Way Forward
- Find out exactly what biofilm is
- Find out how the oral microbiome impacts the rest of your health
- How herbs can re-balance your microbiome and pathogenic issues that can impact your health in unexpected ways.
Complete audio & video recordings, professional transcripts, slide decks and all handouts included.
And Get These Exclusive Bonus Items - Only When You Own!
Bonus #1
Dr. Michael Ruscio, DC
How to Use the Elemental Diet for SIBO

- Dr. Michael Ruscio, DC, clinical researcher, best-selling author, speaker, podcaster
- The Elemental Diet is one of the most powerful healing tools for SIBO - it’s the only "diet" that can actually REVERSE SIBO completely! But it’s unlike any other diet you’ve ever followed! Learn how and when to best use this tool for overall gut health.
Bonus #2
40+ Hours of Recorded Q&A with the Experts

When each of these Masterclasses was filmed live, we also recorded 2+ hours of Q&A with every single expert!
As an exclusive bonus, you’ll get access to audio, video, and professional transcripts of these powerful Q&A’s!
This is a GOLDMINE of information – and with transcripts, it’s easy to search for exactly the questions you have…. Or watch it all on-demand and learn from others’ experiences. We’ll show you how to search the transcripts to reference what you need fast.
Bonus #3
6 SIBO Expert updates added to your SIBO SOS® On Demand Online Learning Library through 2020!

More Thoughts from Our Masterclass Participants
“Shivan is the best thing that’s happened to SIBO sufferers. I don’t know what we’d do without her offering all these workshops. Many of us live in areas where there aren’t knowledgeable doctors. I don’t know what I would have done at times without her connecting me through her seminars to professionals like Dr. Siebecker and Dr. Pimentel. I live near Seattle and, believe it or not, a few years ago there was no one near me who could help. I’m sure there are others in other areas who are struggling who need the connections with these valuable resources she provides. We feel SO helpless at times and I feel she threw out the lifeline when I felt like I was drowning. The gut issues can overtake your life. It’s not something you can just ignore and move on. Shivan knows it from experience and wants to help SIBO sufferers get the help they need. You can tell it. She interviews all perspectives and let’s us decide the information that we will benefit from. Thank you for always, always trying to help us on our road to recovery!”
“I love this kind of information - knowing you're screening out all the 'weird' sources and providing us with only expert, qualified and respected sources. Thanks Shivan!”
“Sending love to also you both for all you do!! Again, you bring so much amazing speakers and every one we learn something new. The fact that you have started a revolution for other areas of illness to do the same is amazing! These help more than you will ever know so thank you again for all you both do helping us all! LOVE YOU!!”
Masterclass Attendee
“I am a super fan of yours and all you are doing for the SIBO movement. I have just purchased the masterclasses and can’t wait to hear more about them as I am a functional medicine and nutrition practitioner and see many patients with SIBO. Thanks so much!”
“I really want to thank and compliment ALL of you for such a well presented webinar presentation and your follow-up has been amazing. Dr. Pimentel was outstanding, so knowledgeable and dedicated. His willingness to share and his ability to articulate so clearly was truly helpful and useful. I am greatly appreciative to all of you, that was a meaningful power-packed presentation (especially in addressing some frustrating IBS-C issues ).”
20 Masterclass at $59 Each...
Your Cost $99

We normally charge $59 for just ONE of these expert Masterclasses….there are 20 included in this special event plus bonuses!
(Attendees have told us that is a bargain price for these game changing sessions.)
When you invest in the SIBO SOS® Masterclass Summit, you won’t pay $59 each (that would be $1,180).
You won’t even pay HALF the normal price (that would be $590).
Instead, you can OWN all 20 Masterclasses for just $99
That’s my kind of math!

100% Backed By Our 30-Day Happiness Guarantee

We know the information in these Masterclasses can be life changing for anyone with SIBO… and we want you to experience it first-hand! Buy the Masterclass Summit for just $99 and try it for 30 days… if you’re not happy or any reason, we’ll give you a complete refund. That’s our promise.

Own The SIBO SOS® Masterclass Summit!

- 20 Expert SIBO Masterclasses (video AND audio recording to watch or listen on-demand)
- Professional transcripts of ALL 20 Masterclasses (read or take notes & highlight)
- Slide decks from all presentations & handouts and worksheets
- BONUS #1: Dr. Michael Ruscio Elemental Diet Masterclass
- BONUS #2: 40 hours of pre-recorded Q&A
- BONUS #3: 6 SIBO Expert updates added to your SIBO SOS® On Demand Online Learning Library through 2020!