Finally, the answers you need in an interactive expert course on how to treat and beat SIBO
(Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth)
Created by Dr. Allison Siebecker and Shivan Sarna
What is SIBO? Why do I have it? What do I need to do?
- Where do I begin? Do I start with a diet? Supplements? Do I stop the diet during treatment? What if I only feel a little better - do I try something else? What the heck is a prokinetic????
- Are you Overwhelmed by too much advice or not enough? Many MDs haven’t even heard of SIBO, let alone understand the intricacies of testing, treating, and preventing relapses.
- I need an information concierge. I will be your guide to the experts, latest research, and navigator.
- Stuck on a restricted diet. You finally found the 7 foods that don’t flare your symptoms… and now that's ALL you’ve eaten for the last 6 months. It’s not sustainable, but you don’t know what else to do.
- SIBO feels like a life sentence. Feeling better - and staying that way - feels impossible. You’re scared that feeling this bad, all the time, is your forever.
- Worrying about relapsing (or already have). You finally start to feel better - and then 2 weeks later you’re WORSE than before. And every time you relapse, it takes longer and more effort to get to feeling better again.
- Surrounded by failed treatment attempts. Your medicine cabinet is full of half-empty bottles from everything you’ve tried that didn’t work - and you’ve tried every awful diet, too! No matter how dedicated you are, nothing helps enough.
- You just want some relief. Yes, you want to know the root cause and cure your SIBO for good - but you also just want to be able to button your pants tonight! You need quick solutions for bloating, constipation, and diarrhea that won’t hinder your healing.

I know exactly what it’s like - because I’ve been there myself!

I’m Shivan Sarna, and I’ve been through ALL of this myself with SIBO.
When I was finally diagnosed I was elated to finally know “what was wrong” - but my hopes were quickly crushed by how tricky treatment was.
I tried every treatment I could find on the internet, but nothing worked enough. My doctor shrugged - he didn’t know what to do next.
I could have given up then… but I’m so glad I didn’t.
That's when I met my doctor and friend, Allison Siebecker. She helped clear my SIBO for the first time and changed my whole trajectory!
Now, we are teaming up to help you.
Imagine a day where…
- You wake up AND go to bed without painful bloating. You feel good in your clothes again, and the thought of wearing a swimsuit doesn’t give you cold sweats.
- You can eat out at a restaurant with friends - and order off the regular menu!Eating is actually fun again. Celebrations, holidays, travelling - you can enjoy it all again. (When we’re all done with social distancing.)
- You have the energy to exercise, play with the kids, and walk the dog. You’re not burnt out from trying treatment after treatment, and you actually feel GOOD.
- You don’t have to run to the bathroom (or sit in there for 30+ minutes). Your BMs are normal again - and you have tricks and tips for when symptoms flare up to get them back under control ASAP.
- No more dread about relapses. You aren’t crossing your fingers. You know what will and won’t cause a relapse, and you have a plan for preventing it. Plus you have the peace of mind of knowing EXACTLY what to do if you did get SIBO again.
I’ve been where you are right now, and I’ve seen the other side, so I know those dreams can become your reality...
Conu shares her experience after completing the SIBO Recovery Roadmap® Course…
With The Right Plan, Healing SIBO Is Possible
The problem isn’t that the information we need to treat and beat SIBO isn’t available…
It’s that the right information is hard to find.
It’s confusing.
It’s unorganized.
Your body already feels chaotic – and this isn’t helping!
What you need is an organized, step-by-step plan.
Not just a one-size-fits-all plan – but a customizable approach that can work for anyone, even tough cases.
I made a promise to myself that if I figured out my SIBO, I would find a way to help other people get the information they need, too… and that’s how the SIBO Recovery Roadmap Course was born.

The SIBO Recovery Roadmap® Course
The Only Course That Teaches You to Create & Execute a Unique Healing Plan for Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
Get Doctor-Developed Plans
Create a one-of-a-kind treatment strategy with advice & tips from a top SIBO doctor.
Avoid Relapses
Make a plan to prevent & treat SIBO relapses.
The SIBO Recovery Roadmap®
A comprehensive home-study course with a complete guide to treating, healing, and preventing relapse in SIBO.
36 Video Lessons Taught By Dr. Siebecker and Shivan Sarna
- Lesson #1: What and Where is SIBO
- Lesson #2: Roadmap Validation & History
- Lesson #3: Roadmap Overview
- Lesson #4: When to Use the Roadmap: 3rd Line Therapy
- Lesson #5: Levels of Treatment: Symptoms, SIBO, Underlying Cause
- Lesson #6: Chronic vs. Acute and the 3 Others
- Lesson #7: Other #1: Anemia
- Lesson #8: Other #2: Hormones and Finding a Good Hormone Doc
- Lesson #9: Other #3: Sleep
- Lesson #10: Treatment of Symptoms
- Lesson #11 Bloating - Symptomatic Treatment
- Lesson #12: Pain - Symptomatic Treatment
- Lesson #13: Constipation - Symptomatic Treatment
- Lesson #14: Diarrhea - Symptomatic Treatment
- Lesson #15: Nausea - Symptomatic Treatment
- Lesson #16: Acid Reflux - Symptomatic Treatment
- Lesson #17: Indigestion - Symptomatic Treatment
- Lesson #18: When to Suspect SIBO
- Lesson #19: Testing (and the value of distance doctor visits)
- Lesson #20: Test Interpretation
- Lesson #21: Diet
- Lesson #22: Antibiotics - What Works Best?
- Lesson #23: Herbal Antibiotics
- Lesson #24: Pharmaceutical Antibiotics
- Lesson #25: Elemental Diet
- Lesson #26: Methane & Hydrogen Sulfide Treatments
- Lesson #27: What to Expect From Treatment
- Lesson #28: Prokinetics
- Lesson #29: If You Are Not Better
- Lesson #30: Considering Other Diagnoses
- Lesson #31: If You’re Better — Prevention
- Lesson #32: Relapse
- Lesson #33: Probiotics
- Lesson #34: The Importance of Timing in SIBO Treatment
- Lesson #35 Finding a Doctor
- Lesson #36: Final Tips for Success

Plus You Also Get... 
- Audio and transcripts of the lessons, so you can learn any way you like
- Printable Handouts & Guides, including studies to take to your doctor
SIBO Cooking Classes and Recipes with cookbook author Rebecca Coomes, Nutritionists Kristy Regan & Riley Wimminger as well as Functional Medicine Nutritionist Angela Pifer
- Bonus Video Classes Including Tough Cases, Mindset, and 7 others by Dr. Siebecker, Adhesions by Larry Wurn, and SIBO Healing Obstacles and Treatment by Dr. Megan Taylor
- Invitation to the SIBO SOS Community Facebook group
- UNLIMITED ACCESS to everything!

Join Dr. Siebecker for a Live Q&A Session Spring 2021
- Pre-submit your questions
- Attend live or watch the recording
- Professionally transcribed
SIBO Cooking Classes and Recipes with…
- Cookbook author Rebecca Coomes
- Riley Wimminger Nutritionist
- Kristy Regan Nutritionist
- Functional Medicine Nutritionist Angela Pifer
And Video Classes Including
- Tough Cases
- Mindset
- 7 others by Dr. Siebecker
The SIBO SOS® Community online Facebook group
Start the SIBO Recovery Roadmap® Course
The SIBO Recovery Roadmap® Course
The only home-study course taught by Dr. Allison Siebecker for SIBO patients.
--> An expert guide who can teach you exactly what to do and when to do it.
That’s why I paired up with SIBO expert Dr. Allison Siebecker. She’s worked one on one with thousands of patients and trained hundreds of doctors. I
--> A friend you can trust to help you make sense of it all.
I take Dr. Siebecker’s expertise and break it down into patient language we can all understand. Plus, I ask the questions we all have, but may not have someone to ask!
--> Someone who “gets it” and can empathize with you.
Dr. Siebecker and I have both had SIBO ourselves, and we really know what it’s like. We’re there with you, every step of the way.
--> Puts you in control of your health
Learn which route to take depending on what your test results say, whether certain supplements work for you at the place you are at, and which prokinetic works for you. This course gives you guidance that works now and down the road.
What Can the SIBO Recovery Roadmap® Home Study Course Do For You?
The course contains 36 ACTION-PACKED lessons with Dr. Siebecker and Shivan Sarna
If you are wondering what to eat when you have SIBO, we have you covered. SIBO cooking classes will be presented by SIBO Health Coach Rebecca Coomes, Kristy Regan, MScN, Riley Wimminger, MScN & Angela Pifer, MS, LCN, CN, FMN. See below for full course details.
Meet Your Guides for the
SIBO Recovery Roadmap® Course
Taught By Dr. Siebecker and hosted by Shivan Sarna

Dr. Allison Siebecker, ND, MSOM, LAc
- Allison Siebecker, ND, MSOM, LAc, is instructor of Advanced Gastroenterology, as well as former Medical Director and Co-Founder of the SIBO Center for Digestive Health at the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM). She is IBS faculty for the GI Health Foundation and is the Co-Founder of the NUNM SIBO Symposium and GI Conference- continuing education for physicians. She has specialized in the treatment of SIBO since 2010, is an award winning author and creator of the free educational website

Shivan Sarna, SIBO SOS® Host
Shivan Sarna After a lifetime of digestive problems, I was diagnosed with Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth in 2015. I was so excited to finally have a name for the symptoms that made me miserable - but I was quickly very frustrated by how hard it was to get access to reliable SIBO information, or even an appointment with a doctor who had experience treating SIBO. I set out to get answers about SIBO for herself - but along the way, I met hundreds (and then thousands) of other people like you who had the same problems: How do we find experts who really understand SIBO? What do we do if we can’t travel to see one of these experts? Will we have to suffer forever?
I created SIBO SOS® to solve this problem. It’s like attending a medical school class and having an office visit all rolled into one. I’m alongside you for support, guidance, and a shoulder to lean on. I’ve been where you are today, and it would be an honor to help guide you forward. Let’s kick SIBO’s butt together!
Special Guest Instructors

Dr. Megan Taylor, ND
Megan graduated from the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM, previously NCNM) with a doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, and completed two years of post-graduate residency training in Primary Care and Naturopathic Gastroenterology. She came to Naturopathic Medicine after a career in Environmental Planning, which she loved, but left her wanting a deeper sense of meaning and connection in her work. She feels so grateful to have found a career that allows her to not only engage her intellectual curiosity, but also her love and care for others.

Kristy Regan, MScN
Kristy combines nutritional therapies, lifestyle education and counseling to assist her clients in achieving optimal health and well-being. She is the author of the Amazon-bestselling book “The SIBO Diet Plan.” Having personal experience with a debilitating illness she appreciates how nutrition and wellness therapies support us in healing. She is passionate about sharing her insights and expertise in cooking, nutrition, health, and mind-body therapies.

Angel Pifer, MS, LCN, CN, FMN
Angela has spent 25 years in the health and fitness industry and the past 12 years as a Functional Medicine Nutritionist focusing in the areas of digestive health, functional gut disorders, thyroid, autoimmune and SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth). She isthe go-to gut expert who can show even the most health challenged how to restore their gut health and vitality.

Rebecca Coomes, health coach
Rebecca Coomes is a SIBO paitent hersef and is the author of the world’s first SIBO Cookbooks: SIBO Summer Cookbook, SIBO Family Favourites Cookbook and SIBO Christmas Cookbook. She is the host of The Healthy Gut podcast and SIBO Cooking Show and is regularly asked to speak at events on gut health and SIBO.
Join The SIBO Recovery Roadmap® Course
The SIBO Recovery Roadmap® is for you if:
- You are committed to your health and you’re ready to be well
- You want to be an empowered patient who can work with practitioners and sometimes even educate them
- You believe it’s possible to reduce daily SIBO symptoms and manage flares
- You are determined to find answers and not give up, even if you have setbacks
- You are looking for a guide to take you to the next level
- You want a simple path that has been developed and fine-tuned over 8 years
- You have said to yourself that you are ready to take action — if only you knew what to do
- You want to know the right questions to ask
- You believe that your health and your happiness is worth it
- You have almost given up hope, but are willing to give it one more try
- You aren’t *quite* ready to implement these strategies, but you want to have access to the course so you can go through it in a few months from now
Join The SIBO Recovery Roadmap® Course
Unlimited Access To All Course Materials
Immediately get access to the entire course, so you can easily find the info you need. Absorb the training at your own pace or follow our 4-week suggested schedule. This is like retaking the class over again anytime you want!
A Dedicated Community
There is no need to take on SIBO alone. As soon as you join, you’ll become part of a supportive, private Facebook community of SIBO students and action-takers, just like you. Get accountability, ask questions, and share your celebrations with people who get it!
Stop Searching And Guessing.
Finally Get The Answers You've Been Looking For.

100% Backed By Our 30-Day Happiness Guarantee

We know the information The SIBO Recovery Roadmap® can be life changing for anyone with SIBO… and we want you to experience it first-hand! Buy The SIBO Recovery Roadmap® and try it for 30 days… if you’re not happy or any reason, we’ll give you a complete refund. That’s our promise

SIBO Recovery Roadmap® FAQs
Why not? One mistake in your treatment can set you back and waste your valuable time and money. The sooner you know what to do and in what order, the sooner you can make progress.
The SIBO Recovery Roadmap® Home Study Course starts as soon as you register. You have instant and complete access to the entire course. Work through it at your own pace, go back and watch again, or follow our recommend 4-week schedule.
Dr. Siebecker has shared a lot of information on a wide variety of SIBO subjects. What sets the SIBO Recovery Roadmap® Course apart is the organized format which brings you step-by-step through the exact algorithm she uses with her patients. Students will learn what to do in various scenarios that apply to their unique situation. This is the foundation for everything you will need to do. It’s a tried and true method that has been developed over the years and is working RIGHT NOW for people with SIBO.
We’re going to go over “differential diagnoses” like Candida and food sensitivities, which often co-exist with SIBO. The symptoms of SIBO are similar to many other conditions. That’s why it’s so important to strategically test and we’re going to go over all of that during the SIBO Recovery Roadmap® Course.
As SIBO patients ourselves, Dr. Siebecker and I are very aware and sensitive to this issue. That’s why we want to teach you what you need to know so you can save money in the long run. We also know that some of your current SIBO-related expenses could be lessened if you learn how to avoid costly mistakes and unnecessary treatments and tests.
If you purchased everything in the course separately, it would cost well over $2,000. By sharing online, we’re able to keep the price down while giving you what you need.
Plus, learning in a group environment often sparks new ideas and questions you hadn’t thought of before.
This course is as intense as you want it to be. We’ve made it clear and easy to understand. We want you to get the most out of it, so we’ve streamlined the SIBO Recovery Roadmap® Course to give you ONLY the most pertinent information to make your decision-making process and action steps easy.
If you’ve already spent months or years suffering, you can’t get that time back, but you can move forward. The best time to start is now.
The course can fit into a busy lifestyle because you can watch at your pace, and have unlimited access to the materials. And if you’re wondering when the perfect time is, it’s now!
I want you to have the information I wish I had when I started.Have more questions? Email us at In**@SI*****.com.
This website and all content is for educational purposes only and is NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. Always consult your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with your questions about any medical condition and before you start or begin using any diet, dietary supplement, herbal remedies, or other health program. By using our website and participating in our summits, offers, or trainings, you agree to our Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions of Use & Disclaimers. SIBOSOS® is a registered trademark of Chronic Condition Rescue, LLC and may not be used without prior approval by Chronic Condition Rescue, LLC.
SIBO SOS® does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Click here for additional information.